Saturday, 22 October 2016

T1. Rest day 21 Oct

When I say rest day I mean we got up a bit later than usual and around nine decided that the 'sesame seed lodged in the throat' sensation which has been intensifying over the past week should be investigated. With the help of our kind landlady we had a GP appointment (for me) at 2:15pm so we rested until it was time to walk up the hill to his office then we rested in the warteraum until he was ready to see me. "I can see nothing" he declared and disappeared. Turns out he had gone to tee up a specialist ENT appointment for me in Thun. So the we rested in the nearby bus shelter till the bus arrived 1/2 hour later. Next we rested in the specialist's waiting room for quite awhile. The specialist inserted his magic light through my nose and down to the offending area of my throat. By now the 'sesame seed' felt like a hazel nut (I exaggerate a bit but nervousness will do that to you!). "I see nothing" declared the Specialist - well nothing nasty just redness. So now I have lozenges and peace of mind and am resting while Geoff makes dinner!  We stand in awe of the kindness of all the people involved in our 'rest' day and we are equally in awe that the pain was not transferred to our hip pocket! I cannot imagine that seamless experience happening for a visitor to Canberra. My camera only had a little rest -so there are a couple of photos to share although unfortunately most went onto the camera memory and I can't  get them to the iPad.

Caught the military band in Thun for a big event this weekend but no time to sit and listen. Too busy resting elsewhere!!

The GP's rooms were at the end of this building just up on the hill above where we live.

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